4/3: Read Superintendent Dr. Lucero’s Latest Message

As we move into Spring Break, please take a minute to read Superintendent Dr. Lucero latest message to the Stamford Public School Community.

Dear Stamford families and staff,

Tomorrow we all start a well-deserved Spring Break for students, teachers, staff and parents, aka our co-Distance Learning teachers. Thank you all for working hard to transition to home instruction during this unforeseen health crisis. The fact that Stamford has come together during this time is a testament to who we are as a community, and for this I feel honored to be your superintendent.

The reported cases of COVID-19 in Stamford are increasing everyday. The health and safety of our staff and families is very important and taken very seriously. Please know that we are working closely with the city health department to ensure the proper protocols for informing individuals that may have been exposed are followed.

We are very happy to say that our free Grab-and-Go meals will continue to be available during Spring Break and, beginning Monday, families will be able to also pick up one dinner meal, per eligible child, on Mondays and Wednesdays at our school locations.

There is still no official word from the Connecticut State Department of Education about plans for the remainder of the school year, so we are currently operating under the premise that we will return to school on April 20, as stated in the Governor’s most recent Executive Order.  However, in case the return date is extended, we have developed detailed educational plans for distance learning schedules, technology, internet access, supplemental learning packets, 4th quarter grading, credits, end of year activities, and graduation.

I tell you all of this to assure you that whatever the final decision is and whenever it is announced, we are prepared to continue to provide education and social emotional supports either from a distance, or in our classrooms.

In the meantime, to support connectivity for all students, we have purchased internet hotspots for families who do not have access. While demand and shipping issues have delayed their arrival, we anticipate that the hotspots will be in-district sometime next week.  Once the arrival date is confirmed, we will share a safe distribution plan with those families who require connectivity.

In closing, I would be remiss if I did not take a moment to acknowledge the countless number of emails I have received about families’ positive experiences with learning over the past three weeks. It only confirms what I already know: Each of our schools is living up to the part of our vision that speaks to inspiring, through their creativity in keeping one another connected, engaged and motivated.  One of our schools celebrated a virtual spirit day, another put together a poster of images of staff members with messages for our families and several have compiled heartwarming videos.

I know that this is far from the Spring Break we had all imagined just a few short weeks ago, but I know each and everyone of us will make the best of it. Take some time and get outside, but remember to continue to practice proper social distancing, hand washing and sanitizing and most importantly stay safe.

Take special care of your family, friends, and neighbors!

Dr. Lucero, Superintendent Stamford Public Schools


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